Saturday 30th August, 2025

As the third Stirchley Woodland Games finishes for another Summer we would like to thank everyone who helped make it such a special event: from the teams and the audience, to our volunteer studio team and all the organisations that joined us to make it such a weird and wonderful day.
The Stirchley Woodland Games team will be taking a few months off but we can't wait to see you all again next Summer at the Woodland Games 2025!
As a community art project, the Woodland Games is managed by residents and workers of Stirchley. If you'd like to be part of the Woodland Games delivery team then email us at hipkissandgraney@outlook.com!
Woodland Games 2024 Audience and Participant Feedback Form!
If you were part of this years Woodland Games either as part of the audience, or in a team then we'd really appreciate your feelings and feedback of the day.
We don't ask for personal details and all questions are optional. Your feedback will help us with future funding opportunities to make the Woodland Games a more effective and fun art project.
Best wishes,
Hipkiss & Graney
What is
The Woodland Games?
The Woodland Games is Stirchley's answer to the Olympics!
An irreverent, nature-themed festival organised by residents, workers and friends of Stirchley, South Birmingham. Fully solar powered, from the bars to the sound stage.
The festival explores ecology and celebrates our local green spaces through costume, sculpture and performance.
How it Works?
Groups of friends, families and neighbours sign up as teams and then come along to our Woodland Games artist studio where they have one week to build/ make/ paint their team costume! Inspired by eco-science and nature, we give you all the materials and technical help you need. Then on the day of the Woodland Games all teams come together to compete in a series of activities inspired by nature!
Email us now at hipkissandgraney@outlook.com for any queries.

The Grand Procession
Each year the Stirchley Woodland Games opens with a big parade through the streets of Stirchley. All the teams, banners carriers, trebuchet guards and drummers cross the River Rea and arrive at Hazelwell Park!
If you and your friends and family would like to join Woodland Games 2025 parade then send us an email.

How To Take Part In The Woodland Games?
Get your friends, family, neighbours, co-workers together to make a team.
Come along to our big Woodland Games artists studio in Stirchley to make your costume
Come along to the Woodland Games 2024!

Would You Like To Join The Woodland Games Festival Team?
We're looking for comunity-minded people to help us deliver Woodland Games 2024.
No experience neccesary, just a will to help deliver something fun to your neighbourhood.
If you'd like to join our team
then email us now on

What kind of workshops do
we do?

A Woodland Games can involves big costume making, banner painting and instrument making!
They're big social events, they're messy, busy and for all ages. Although they're perfect for families they're for groups of all ages and backgrounds.
All workshops are ran by Stirchley artists Hipkiss & Graney.

Check Out Our Workshop Galleries!
Festival Partners
The Woodland Games wouldn't be half as good without the help of our many partners...
We'd like to thank this years funders
Avanti West Coast and Central Co-op without them this project wouldn't be possible.